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Vi har nu 2 provinser i pipelinen. ICW-JOSAB Avtalet med Heilongjiang-provinsen är nu igång. 20 augusti 2014, stora offerter / kontrakt / överenskommelse skriver de i Kinesisk finansmedia.

Ursäkta sammanblandningen, men tydligen avser det nu provins nr 2 ICW har tecknat avtal med, samma sak som med Shandongprovinsen.

Vi har då 2 provinser i pipelinen helt plötsligt och omfattningen växer.
det verkar även bli fler! (se sammanfattning i slutet)

Shandong-provinsen (Layout-provins)
Heilongjiang-provinsen (kopia av Shandong i utförandet)

August 20 2014 evening major bid / contract / agreement

ICW (delägare i Josab) Water Treatment (600,187) on the 20th evening announcement, the company on the 20th and the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Department signed a "hundred town water supply and drainage projects in Heilongjiang Province cooperation agreement."

The company will set up a wholly owned subsidiary in Harbin to subsidiary body, to provide consulting services for planning drainage projects to towns within the scope of cooperation agreements, and according to the situation of local water quality, treatment scale, existing infrastructure conditions, for project investment, construction, operation and management.

Housing and Construction Office of Heilongjiang commitment, within two months, at least 3-5 months to provide their selected demonstration in the town of supply, drainage projects, as both sides of the first cooperation project, the selected projects should be addressed to the country after the signing of the agreement in water supported by the seat of city and county government projects and has completed or ongoing project planning, project and other preparatory work. Water Treatment promised in 2014 to complete the construction of the first batch of cooperation projects, and to ensure that the project put into operation successfully achieve the effluent standards prescribed by the State; over the next five years, the company has invested less than 5 billion yuan to complete the 100 towns water supply and drainage facilities .

Fakta om Shandongprovinsen som är layoutprovins.

Water Treatment Josab through the acquisition of the Swedish company with decentralized water supply equipment and Housing Department with Shandong Province Rural Water signed a cooperation agreement.

Josabs halvårsrapport är den 26:e aug, om det inte kommer något tidigare.

Hela texten!
Huge market space!

Dimensionering = Sewage per capita amount of 70 liters of rural residents / person day
Jag hade räknat tidigare på 80 liter - (häftigt)
Kineserna räknar ->the 2014 national rural sewage emissions of about 43.18 million tons / day

(1 m3= c a 1 ton)
OBS! Uppskattning!!!!!!! Vi får se vad som redovisas framöver!
Då behövs 43.180.000 ton / 3000m3/dygn x 2,4 miljoner styck = 34 miljarder SEK i Josab reningsanläggningar om så är fallet!

När det gäller Shandong skall det tydligen vara en layout-provins som skall spridas vidare och "100 Town Construction" är en standard på små städer/byar för att höja standarden i Kina generellt.
Såg att dessa standarder avseende små städer/byar redan började byggas 1997.
Det lär nog bli med tappkran till fastighet/nyttjare m m via PVC/pel-rör i mark som vi själva har i Sverige. Därav inför de taxa avs förbrukning per m3.
Men Josabs containrar/reningsanläggningar lär jobba mot s k vattentorn alt takmonterade vattenkärl för att genererar vattenpelar med självtryck till tappställena.
Vattentorn o erforderlig förbrukning beräknas sedan volymmässigt kontra antalet beräknade tappställen samt antal folk.

Vilka städer/byar det handlar om (detta är 2nd batch finns även en första)
General Office of the People's Government of Shandong Province
on the announcement of the province, "100 Town Construction Demonstration action"
notice list of the second batch of Model Town
Lu Zheng Ban Zi [2013] No. 160

De verkar som ICW laddar upp med pengar avs Shandong-projektet (layoutprovinsen) m m.

Först 600 miljoner i obligationslån

310 miljoner i kontanter
1,1 miljarder från JIANG Zhao Bo, ny delägare i ICW
2-3 miljarder (dollar?) ytterligare via bankredit

PS! 12 aug var extra bolagsstämman där JIANG Zhao Bo, blev ny delägare i ICW. En av Kinas största miljardärer.

Mer info!
Focus on water treatment, stick to blue sky - Water Treatment won the "Top Ten Green Innovation Enterprise" award
Published: 2014-8-8 14:13:00 Author: Dan Securities Affairs

Ready to begin the investment, construction and operation of the demonstration in Shandong Province, 200 towns and villages in water and supporting infrastructure projects

Bakgrund samt sammanfattning!

Inte bara som sagt skriver reportern -> Rural Water is a big market of the country, is not limited to the size of Shandong

State Water Works: promising direction of rural
At 16:33 on July 15, 2014

SHANDONG - Första layoutprovinsen

Water reserves in the country to accelerate the township sewage treatment technology.
The company (ICW som är 44% delägare Josab) will use Josab wastewater treatment in rural areas of specialized equipment and technology, in-depth China's rural water markets. Rural and township sewage treatment market in the country this year, the water is a key business areas in Shandong

OBS! >>>>>Province plans to represent the country to conduct business layout.

In January this year, Junior Water and Shandong Province Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development signed the "Shandong Province" 100 Town building demonstration action "model town infrastructure projects of strategic cooperation agreement" will select 200 model town in Shandong province, water supply drainage pipe network construction projects.

According to Shandong Province in July 2013 held in the province's urban sewage and garbage disposal work conference, the next two years, the province will raise 68 billion yuan of funds for the construction of urban sewage and garbage treatment facilities.

Ytterligare provinser (9 st)! ( I en intervju med Zhu från ICW tillika Josabs SO)

Journalisten frågar:
"21st Century": We now have the actual project? What are the future plans for the layout of the area?

Zhu Yongjun svarar :
We've got some real ground projects, such as in Xiangtan, Hunan, Dongying, Shandong and Sichuan, where the overall size of the largest projects in Sichuan, has more than 80 projects in operation. From the experience of the early, although small-scale projects, but economic tons of water is higher than that of urban sewage treatment. This rural water market in the early stages of market development related to this feature, we estimate that by 2015 the situation is another.

Moment, the most important thing is to conduct market layout quickly.

Then people will see that we have a new project in Hebei, Shanxi, Heilongjiang and will later roll out speed quickly.

We are optimistic about this market, and has done a lot of technical reserves, such as last year we acquired a Swedish listed company to make water purification equipment Josab International AB.

Xiangtan, Hunan, Dongying, Shandong and Sichuan.
Hebei, Shanxi, Heilongjiang

Junior Water booster Chaozhou Nybyggnation!

Nu är bollen verkligen i rullning :)



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