Redeye Theme: Innovative Orthopedic

March 21 2023


Live broadcast at and special invitees only

English language

March 21 2023


Live broadcast at and special invitees only

English language

Live broadcast at and special invitees only

English language

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Live broadcast at and special invitees only

English language

Redeye hosts its third event with a focus on orthopedics – a USD +45bn sector characterized by high levels of innovation and M&A activity.
According to OrthoWorld, global sales in this field (dominated by a handful companies) were down 11% during 2020 but is bound to see recovery as the world returns to normal, clearing up hospital beds and allowing more elective surgeries.
How will the Nordic orthopedics companies benefit from that, and are there any acquisition targets in Redeye’s Universe?
The presenting companies have a wide array of indications, stretching from orthobiologics to implants, and are in different phases of commercialization. Our ambition with this seminar is that
you, as an investor, will gain more knowledge about the sector, its drivers and challenges, and understand their value creation for healthcare professionals, investors, and, of course, patients.


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