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Real estate is a very large (in fact, the largest) asset type, and at the same time, it is not known as an industry which readily embraces change.
The industry is one of the last to adopt technological change, and industry practices can still be plagued by piles of paperwork, inefficient processes, and unnecessary transactional costs.
With that in mind, it is no wonder that proptech is called a new disruption power and said to be the modern remedy for real estate specialists.
Proptech can be used to help both companies and individuals build, research, buy, sell, as well as manage real estate – and we believe the inevitable digitalization of the real estate sector presents a massive area of opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors alike.
Redeye has invited both real estate companies and property-oriented technology companies to discuss the progress of Proptech and provide their perception of the trends, opportunities and challenges in the coming years.
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