Redeye Theme: Cybersecurity



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Redeye is arranging its 9th Cybersecurity Seminar on the 20th of September.
The event will not be live broadcasted but part of the event presentations will be published a few days after the event. If you are a professional investor and are interested in attending at Redeye’s venue, please contact:


Cybersecurity, or IT security, has become one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing industries. Since cyberattacks inflict damages totaling trillions of USD each year, with no signs of decreasing scope and frequency, the cybersecurity market provides a significant runway for future growth.


Global cybersecurity spending is forecast to exceed USD 190 billion in 2023, meaning that companies of all sizes increase their security awareness and dedicate more resources to the cause. Expectations are reflected in elevated valuation multiples, in particular for large international companies. Also, several Swedish and Nordic cybersecurity companies have been listed or acquired in recent years.


Due to the increasing awareness among enterprises, investors, and individuals, Redeye has invited several companies and stakeholders that operate in the cybersecurity space. Presenters will discuss their respective companies, technologies, business opportunities, and risks. Each block will then hold a panel discussion (with listed companies, unlisted companies, and experts) led by Redeye’s analysts.


Companies and schedules may change before the event starts. Save the date to your calendar by using Add to calendar.