Redeye Theme: Adtech

April 17 2024


Live broadcast and special invitees only

English language

April 17 2024


Live broadcast and special invitees only

English language

Live broadcast and special invitees only

English language

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Live broadcast and special invitees only

English language

Adtech (advertising technology) represents a rapidly evolving sector with several long-term tailwinds and includes a range of technologies and platforms designed to optimize the delivery, targeting, and effectiveness of digital advertising.


Traditionally, advertising has suffered from low transparency and limited visibility in terms of return on ad spend. However, new technology and innovation reshape the landscape, leading to a more efficient and transparent sector. Despite this progress, a significant portion of advertising spending has yet to transition to new digital channels.


Even though technology has advanced the landscape, challenges persist, and the market still falls short of complete transparency and efficiency. From programmatic advertising and data analytics to ad networks and creative optimization tools, ad tech assumes a pivotal role in shaping the future of marketing and consumer engagement.


Investing in the adtech space offers numerous compelling opportunities as companies transform an enormous market with technological innovation. They leverage artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analytics to enhance targeting precision, personalize messaging, and optimize ad performance.


Redeye has invited several actors from different parts of the adtech industry to share their views on the market and the trends they foresee in the coming years.



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