Media and Games Invest: Accelerated organic growth

Research Note



Redeye comments on MGI’s record sales figures for February, representing an organic growth of 25%, up from 18% in January.

Anton Hoof

Yesterday, MGI released organic growth numbers for February, amounting to 25%. This follows a gradual increase from Q3 2023, where organic growth amounted to 1%, followed by 16% in Q4 and 18% in January. MGI states that the growth uptick stems from new customer onboardings, increased spending from existing customers, and rising demand for ID-less solutions, which are becoming more important in an ID-less future following Google’s cookie deprecation. The organic growth of 18% in January and 25% in February can be compared with our growth estimate of 12% in Q1 2024e. As such, on the back of the solid organic growth figures, we increase our estimate for Q1 from EUR77m to EUR81m, representing a y/y growth of 18% for the full quarter. We leave our valuation unchanged as of now.

Estimate Revisions
New estimates Old estimates Diff (%)
Net Sales3594134363554094321%1%1%
Total Costs-257-286-306-255-283-3041%1%1%
Adj EBITDA1051281301031261282%2%2%
D&A -31-34-35-31-34-340%1%1%
D&A less PPA-20-23-24-20-23-230%1%1%
Adj EBIT84105106831031042%2%2%
Amortization (PPA)-11-11-11-11-11-110%0%0%
Net financials-50-35-31-50-35-310%0%0%
Net Profit15444814424611%3%3%
Adj Net Profit2955592753575%3%3%
Adj EPS0.
Source: MGI (Historical data), Redeye Research (Forecasts)
Financial estimates
Net Sales324322818687105359413436
Total Costs-240-194-59-62-62-74-257-286-306
Adj EBITDA959523242632105128130
D&A -58-29-8-8-8-8-31-34-35
D&A less PPA-17-18-5-5-5-5-20-23-24
Adj EBIT77771819212784105106
o/w PPA-41-11-3-3-3-3-11-11-11
Net financials-38-50-13-12-8-17-50-35-31
Net Profit-20461375154448
Adj Net Profit215746108295559
Adj EPS0.130.360.
Net Sales DSP323279106333943
Net Sales SSP29229274767699326375393
Adj EBITDA margin %29.3%29.5%28.0%28.4%29.7%30.5%29.2%30.9%29.8%
Adj EBIT margin %23.6%23.9%21.8%22.6%23.8%25.5%23.6%25.4%24.4%
Net margin %-6.3%14.3%1.2%3.5%8.1%4.3%4.2%10.6%10.9%
Adj Net margin %6.5%17.8%5.4%7.5%12.1%7.5%8.0%13.3%13.5%
Source: MGI (Historical data), Redeye Research (Forecasts)

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